Watch the whole of it for long stretches of time, the way you watch a river. There is a steady flow of thoughts and reactions there
The alternate rising of the sea. (Tide 21.17)
Captured location:
size.100 x 70 cm

Between thoughts. 2021
Captured location:
size.50 x 30cm

Pause (for thought) The urge to reconnect with nature and through it, with yourself 2021.
Captured location:
size.190 x 140cm

Ventricle. 2021
Captured location:
size.190 x 150cm

The alternate rising of the sea. (Tide 21.27)
Captured location:
size.100 x 70 cm

Minute of the horizon. 2021
Captured location:
size.35 x 20cm

Pause (for thought II) . 2021
Captured location:
size.190 x 134cm

Rehearsed misperception. 2021
Captured location:
size.190 x 150cm

Unnoticed curiosity. 2021
Captured location:
size.180 x 130cm

Delerium. 2021
Captured location:
size.170 x 140cm

"The greener other side". 2021
Captured location:
size.190 x 140cm

Augnablik tvíburana. 2020
Captured location:
size.190 x 130cm

Undarleikur Undraleikur. 2019
Captured location:
Poland and Iceland
size.190 x 130cm

Þitt innsæi, okkar draumar.
00.04 (31a Dec) . 2020
Captured location: Paris and Gotland
size.170 x 130cm

Eðlisbreyting. 2021
(Change of nature)
Captured location: Portugal
size.170 x 130cm

Tvíburarnir. (The Twins) . 2020
Captured Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
size.170 x 130cm

Atlas of ambivalence. 2020
Captured location: Sweden
size.290 x 360cm

Point In Time. 2019
Captured location: Gotland
size.119 x 89 cm

Óhyggjandi tvíburar. 2020
Captured location: Gotland
size.180 x 130 cm
Övervägelsens betydenhet. 2019
Captured location: Sweden
size.119 x 89 cm

The ascension progress. 2019
it is a consciously condensed record of a personal notation of color instrumentation.
Captured location:
Cully, Switzerland
size.180 x 130 cm

Hringrás fjölmenna. 2020
(Cycle of crowds)
Captured location: RUSSIA
size.170 x 130 cm

Einræði. 2019
Captured location: Sweden
size.119 x 89 cm
Veðrahvörf. 2019
Captured location:
Verbier, Switzerland
size.180 x 130 cm

Hugskynjun. 2019
Captured location: Sweden
size.119 x 89 cm
Andvaka. 2018
Captured location: Sweden
size.119 x 89 cm

Innstreymi, innsláttur, innvirðun. 2018
Captured location: Sweden
size.119 x 89 cm

Den genomträngande fylligheten av frigörelse. 2018
Captured location: Sweden
size.119 x 89 cm

size.150 x 100 cm

I’m breathing underneath your _ _ _ _ . 2017
Captured location: Iceland
size.150 x 100 cm

The ultramarine portal. 2016
Captured location: Iceland
size.100 x 70 cm